Mar 22, 2024


While fiddly carburetors and seemingly endless tune-ups are thankfully a thing of the past, regular maintenance is still required to retain your vehicle’s value and ensure dependability for many years to come. Your Chevrolet dealership can assist you with your car or truck’s maintenance needs, including the most fundamental of all: the oil change.



Five Important Reasons to Schedule Routine Oil Changes at Your Chevrolet Dealership

Maintain EfficiencyChange oil soon warning light on dashboard | Vancouver, WA

Your Chevrolet’s engine is a precision, purpose-built machine that relies on oil to keep it lubricated and clean. Engine oil that is routinely changed prevents the accumulation of debris that can slow circulation and diminish engine efficiency. Because any reduction in engine efficiency also lowers fuel efficiency, scheduled oil service ensures you’re obtaining every possible mile per gallon from your vehicle.



Reduce Emissions

Like many chemicals, engine oil begins to break down when repeatedly exposed to high heat or mechanical stress. If not changed according to your Chevrolet’s Oil Life System (OLS) or maintenance schedule, your motor’s oil will degrade and evaporate, emitting environmentally harmful gasses as it does. The diminished engine efficiency caused by aging oil will also increase the emissions output of your vehicle, generating unnecessary pollution and increasing your car or truck’s environmental impact.



Preserve Dependability

Excessive heat is the enemy of any engine; it can warp components, stress vital parts, and ultimately cause severe damage to your vehicle. Oil protects your Chevrolet’s engine against harm by minimizing temperature-raising friction and transferring heat away from the engine’s hottest spots. To effectively reduce heat and distribute it evenly, your engine’s oil must be able to flow freely, fully unobstructed by contaminants and grime that can otherwise build up over time.



Avoid Costly Repairs

Whether it’s a vital engine component reaching its breaking point due to overheating or repeated dry contact wearing away at a critical part, the results of degraded or insufficient engine oil can be catastrophic for your vehicle’s performance. Costly repairs due to unchanged oil can range in price from several hundred dollars to more than several thousand in the event of total engine failure.



Maintain Peace of Mind

Your Chevrolet was carefully designed for maximum reliability because we know how much you rely on your Chevrolet. Whether it’s reducing the anxiety associated with emissions testing or sustaining the durability you’ve come to rely on from your vehicle, you’ll know you’re contributing to many miles of trouble-free travel by properly maintaining your engine oil.


 Routine engine oil maintenance is the most cost-effective and reliable way to keep your Chevrolet dependable, efficient, and operating at peak performance. For maximum peace of mind, schedule your next oil service with the certified, factory-trained experts at Alan Webb Chevrolet in Vancouver, WA, today.